Toyota Don’t mention it

The 2021 Toyota Highlander. The perfect car for the not-so-perfect family.

The Camry has always been a car that is known for its safety and reliability, but it still has the ability to surprise people. Like it did for Katie Bower, a married mother of four, whose husband created a night she will never forget with a little help from Toyota. The content below documents that magical night.  

Toyota Date Night

Toyota Corolla

Now with more…

Dealer tags, legal copy, disclaimers -- there are a number of words that describe the tiny details at the end of an ad. But there's one thing they all have in common: nobody reads them. And, it's unfortunate. There's a lot of information in there that can help people in the car buying process. Information that can potentially save you or cost you thousands of dollars. So, how do we get people to read these small words that have big implications? By turning fine print into fine art. We took famous paintings and recreated them using nothing but legal disclaimers. Then, we ran those ads in places like print and OOH. People always say that a picture’s worth a thousand words. Well, we literally made a picture out of 1000 words.

Toyota Fine Print to Fine Art




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